Sanctions lists: IT support ensures compliance
Sanctions and other penalties against states, individuals, commercial sectors or individual goods have become a popular instrument of governments’ foreign policy. Particularly since the start of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the international sanctions regime has become significantly more complex. It has become even more difficult for companies to consistently comply with the constantly changing legal requirements as a result.
Our client, the listed company SHS Viveon AG, explains in a professional article in Procure Swiss magazine why comprehensive sanctions list screenings are of enormous importance as well as how companies can check their new and existing business partners against international sanctions lists as effectively as possible. CEO Ralph Schuler also provides some practical tips on how companies can greatly simplify the compliance process.
Modern digital tools play an important role here – such as a modular platform solution for compliance processes offered by SHS Viveon. Such tools make it possible to fully digitize and automate the once extremely time-consuming process of comparing contacts and organizations with the extensive international sanctions lists.
Procure Swiss Magazine is a Swiss trade magazine focusing on purchasing and logistics. It is published by the professional association for purchasing and supply management. You can find the professional article by Ralph Schuler here.
Since the beginning of 2021, WORDUP PR has been responsible for the entire press relations of SHS Viveon AG in the DACH region and regularly positions the company as an expert in the fields of risk, credit and compliance management via specialist articles in established media.