WORDUP PR starts 5G consultancy and magazine
As an experienced technology PR agency, WORDUP Public Relations is of course familiar with the 5G topic and implications. The abbreviation 5G refers to the fifth-generation mobile technology. It should come on the market from 2020 on, thanks to technical advancements deliver significantly more performance than its predecessors and so in the long run, make the vision of the digital gigabit society become reality. In Germany, the next big milestone will be the auction of the additional mobile radio frequencies required for this, which is due for spring 2019. At the same time, the first field tests and pilot tests (for example the Bavarian project 5G Today) are already being carried out to test the new technology, which will enable the creation of a large number of subnets for various services and applications in future through a completely new network infrastructure. So 5G is to become much more than a new, faster mobile radio standard: Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things (IoT), applications for autonomous mobility or media services on specific broadcasting networks are realistic application scenarios for the new “super net”. The manufacturers Huawei and Samsung have already announced for the coming year first consumer smartphones, and in Germany, the economy is currently pushing for a speedy and nationwide coverage with the new networks.
WORDUP PR has been advising Bayerischer Rundfunk on matters relating to 5G communication since October 2018. In addition, with the Information Hub 5G | GlobalNEWS the PR agency has just launched an international platform for news related to the topic. If you are interested in the topic, you should definitely subscribe to the newsletter of 5globalnews.com.
WORDUP PR looks back on a long tradition of PR support for new transmission technologies. In the late 1990s, for example, the agency was already introducing the new digital audio broadcasting standard Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), which has since become the global standard under the name Digital Radio / DAB Plus. The agency also supported the Bavarian-wide launch of digital terrestrial television DVB-T in 2005.