Measures against the multi-crisis
The European economy is in one of its worst crises since the end of World War II. Exploding energy costs, record inflation, disrupted supply chains, labour and skills shortages and a possible Corona winter wave – the list of current challenges for businesses is long.
Our long-standing client Anaqua, the world’s leading provider of innovation and intellectual property management technologies, recommends that companies invest in their future viability now, despite and precisely because of this multiple crisis. Because times of crisis always offer opportunities. Companies that now position themselves in the best possible way for the future will emerge stronger from the multi-crisis – that is Anaqua’s prognosis. How this can be achieved is explained by Jan Witt with five concrete practical tips in an article in manage it.
The European Unitary Patent (EEP), which is finally to be launched in April 2023 after many years of preparation, represents a milestone for innovative companies and inventors. In a recent interview in globalmagazin, Witt explains why the unitary patent is a great political success, why Europe could become a global pioneer in climate protection, sustainability and innovation, and what the current status of the EEP is.
Acts for a sustainable supply chain
Next year, politics will even go one step further: in Germany, the Supply Chain Act (LkSG) will come into force in January 2023. This will oblige companies to protect and uphold human rights within their global supply chains. It requires compliance with ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) criteria, which promote sustainable behaviour. Initially, only companies with 3,000 or more employees are affected, but the law is soon to receive a stricter European counterpart.
For many, the administrative burden becomes enormous, because relevant data for checking the supply chain are often only insufficiently available. In response, our customer SHS Viveon AG introduced its new product “Supply Chain Compliance” (SCC). With the new tool, companies can check their supply chain using three core functions: Sanctions list check, digital ESG questionnaire and score-based assessment of ESG compliance.
The extensive media response shows the enormous relevance of focus on sustainability topics for the press.
WORDUP has been responsible for Anaqua’s entire press relations in Germany since 2016 and for SHS Viveon AG in the DACH region since 2021. With its growing contacts to journalists and multipliers in the business world, the Munich PR agency has been supporting its clients for years in successfully communicating their expertise in IP and innovations in the media.