Mitarbeiter recruiting unterstützung

New mandate: Contemporary recruiting with targeted communication

WORDUP is starting a communication consultancy in the area of ​​employee recruitment and retention for a medium-sized company from Munich.

Verlagsbeilage Handelsblatt: Wir sind die deutsche Wirtschaft

Handelsblatt supplement: “We are the German economy”

"We are the German economy": medium-sized businesses and industry address the public with a comprehensive publishing supplement in the Handelsblatt

Innovation Magazin Fit4IP Online Magazin Logo

New innovation management magazine fit4IP launched

At the end of August, fit4IP, a new online magazine, was launched, which is aimed at entrepreneurs and anyone interested in intellectual property ("IP") and innovation management.

Sutainability ESG PR agency

After the LkSG is before European supply chain law

In January 2023, the Supply Chain Act (LkSG) came into force in Germany. Our customer SHS Viveon AG (listed company) is an expert in this topic and offers efficient solutions.

Visit from Nikkei Japan international PR agency

A visit from Nikkei Japan

Public Relations international: In June, a correspondent from the Editorial Headquarters Europe of the Japanese newspaper Nikkei visited our PR agency in Munich.

PR consultancy sustainability Munich

Measures against the multi-crisis

Europe is in a multi-crisis with record inflation, disrupted supply chains and an ongoing climate crisis. WORDUP supports clients in communicating their sustainability approaches.

Public Relations Agentur für Nachhaltigkeit

Communication for better climate protection

Munich-based TWS Partners AG describes innovative strategies for reducing CO2 emissions and criteria for "green selection" in the supply chain.

Healthcare communications PR agency

Mask production and lying dormant potential: How incentives can help

How incentives can help aligning Germany's national interests with companies' profit motives is explained by our client TWS Partners in the Tagesspiegel Background.

TWS Partners

Using game theory to optimize supply chains in a climate-conscious way.

In a feature article in Procure Swiss magazine, our client TWS Partners explains how companies can check their suppliers for their carbon footprint and, in a second step, use targeted economic incentives to encourage them to do more to protect the climate and promote sustainability.

Vaccination Incentives Communication

Vaccination incentives: suggestions for good public policy marketing

Our experts from the fields of communication, behavioral economics, and virology offer concrete solutions to increase vaccination readiness in German-speaking countries.